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A Visit to the World's Largest Model Railroad


Updated: Sep 16, 2023 has become the official website for the Long Island Train Collecting Aficionados (LITCA). LITCA is a group of 23 local enthusiasts who enjoy train shows, lunches, breakfasts, home layout visits and train related outings together.

Recently 4 of us took a 2 day road trip to Pennsylvania wherein we enjoyed a visit to Nicholas Smith's wonderful train store in Broomall, PA, the ATM (Allentown) Spring Thaw Train Meet (where we met up with a number of other LITCA members) and the Northlandz train layout in Flemington, NJ.

Northlandz describes itself as "The Grand Canyon of the East, An Indoor Scenic Wonderland", As the following pictures prove, they ain't kidding!

Its landscape has 3 1/2 story mountains, 100 foot long canyons & valleys, almost 400 fantastic bridges (sone 40 feet long) and 115 HO gauge trains running independently.

It took our group 3 hours to walk its 1 mile of walkways to see it all.

This post is picture heavy and will, most likely, take a little while to load all of them - your patience will be worthwhile, however. I hope that you will enjoy the following pictures as much as we enjoyed the visit!

Above are 3 of the LITCA members that enjoyed the visit with me; Mike, Joe and Nick. Their layouts have been featured in this site's "Friend's Layouts" series - be sure to check them out!



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