Documents For LITCA Regular Members,
Trial Members, and Guests
Founded in 2019, LITCA was established by toy train lovers for camaraderie, entertainment, and social gatherings in an attempt to provide a congenial atmosphere for the further enjoyment of toy trains.
LITCA's Founding Members are the four who started LITCA experience with monthly lunches. They are, in alphabetical order, Mike Cesa, Joe Polidora, Mike Theodorakis and John Warren.
For more about the history of LITCA, and who we are, please visit its official website:
Regular Members, which include the Founding Members, are expected to be active in all of the affairs of the organization. They also have a responsibility to respond to questions, posed by the President/Executive Board when requested. Only Regular Members have full voting rights and ability to hold office.
Guests are those invited by Regular Members to participate in up to two LITCA Events so that they can evaluate their interest in becoming Trial Members.
Trial Members are welcome to become active as Regular Members, if they desire, after a period of evaluation of their activity and interest. Completion of a short “Getting to Know You” survey is also required. Once approved by the Executive Board, the acceptance of membership will be put to a vote by the Regular Members.. A majority of those voting will be required for acceptance into LITCA.
Note: Members can be deemed inactive either voluntarily (for example, due to illness) or involuntary (due to lack of participation or communication) at the discretion of the Executive Board). Inactive members no longer have voting rights and cannot hold office or be members of the Executive Board.
The President shall be a Regular Member, elected by the majority of voting Regular Members at the annual voting meeting in March of each year. He will serve a one-year term. There is no limitation on the number of years he may serve, totally or consecutively. The President shall have authority to act as a representative of the organization whenever it is necessary. He also has the power to make decisions for the organization that may need to be made in a timely fashion.
The President has an automatic seat on the Executive Board.
A Vice President shall also be a Regular Member and will also be elected by the majority of voting Regular Members at the same voting meeting. He will assist the President and be available to assume the powers and duties of the President should the President be unavailable. He will also serve a one-year term. There is no limitation on the number of years he may serve, totally or consecutively.
The Vice President has an automatic seat on the Executive Board.
Our Executive Board shall consist of the four Founding Members, and two other Regular Members elected by voting Regular Members at the annual March meeting. We strive to have a total of six members on the Executive Board.
Should any Board Member be unable or unwilling to continue to serve on the Board, an additional replacement shall be elected by voting Regular Members at the next voting session in March of each year.
Members of the Executive Board must be full Regular Members. The Executive Board is empowered to act on all matters on behalf of the organization.
Motions will need at least a simple majority to pass. A tie will be considered a failure of the motion.
The Executive Board would meet quarterly or as needed as determined by the President.
All Members, including Trial Members, are encouraged and expected to attend as many events as possible. These include, but are not limited to, the monthly luncheon, attendance at various train shows (with possible breakfast, lunch or dinner afterwards), trips to local model train organizations, trips to various hobby shops, attendance at larger train meets, such as York or Allentown, visits to members train layouts, etc. If a Member has a displayed collection/accumulation of trains, or a layout, an invitation to the Membership to visit is encouraged.
All Members are required to respond in a timely fashion to any questions or requests made by the President or any member of the Executive Board. Failure to respond (either Yea or Nay) will be interpreted as disinterest in the organization.
Changes (additions, subtractions, modifications) to these rules may be made by a request by any Regular Member, to the Executive Board to consider the change. After approval by the Executive Board, a vote will be put to the entire Regular Membership. A simple majority of the voting members will be needed for approval.